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"Promoting the profession of radiologic technology; maintaining high standards of education, enhancing the quality of patient care and furthering the welfare and socioeconomics of radiologic technologists."

July 23rd, 2024 at 7:00pm

Occupational Radiation Doses

Facts, Myths, and High-Level Conspiracies?

Presented by Tara Medich, MS, CHP

Hosted by Massachusetts (MaSRT)

The accepted model of radiation risk has been the basis of protection practices and regulations for nearly 60 years and this model has been the subject of controversy in recent years. Studies are ongoing to assess the actual risk of occupational exposures and determine the validity of the LNT model at low radiation doses.

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Registration closes July 21st

FREE for all MSRT(Maine), MSRT(Mass), NHSRT, CSRT members

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1.0 CE Category A ASRT Pending Approval

Jennifer Rines(L), Brenda Parker(R)

It is with great honor that I bestow the official gavel to Jennifer Rines as she takes on her new role as President of the Maine Society of Radiologic Technologists. Jen’s dedication, hard work, and leadership qualities have set her apart. Jen’s passion for Radiologic Technology is evident to all who have enjoyed working with her. I am confident that the society will continue to thrive and grow under her guidance. Congratulations Jennifer! I look forward to working alongside you as you embark on this new chapter in your career.

Brenda Parker RT(R)(MR)(MRSO)(MRSC™)

Senior Board Chair

Maine Society of Radiologic Technologists

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